How To Edit or Delete Something You Wrote On Facebook
Ooops! Need to Edit or Delete?
We’ve all had those moments when we write something on Facebook, hit enter, and feel the icewater run through our veins when we realize we shouldn’t have said what we did. Or we were scrolling through Facebook while in line at the grocery store and wrote a cutesy reply on the wrong person’s wall. Or we grossly misspelled a word that makes us look like an idiot.
Have you ever had someone’s comment strike you wrong and quickly wrote a snarky response? Then, after looking again realized you had misinterpreted their meaning? But there’s your pissy comment hanging out for all to see.
It used to be you had a very short window of time to edit your Facebook comment or status. I am forever indebted to the Facebook gods for changing that little feature. They now allow us to go back at any time to edit things we’ve written.
Note to New Facebook Users:
Your Facebook ‘Status‘ is a message you write on your own Timeline telling people what you want to say. It’s also called a ‘status update’, or a ‘post’. You write your status update in the box that asks you “What’s on your mind?”. If you were to tell someone you did this, you’d probably use the term “I posted on Facebook”.
How To Edit Your Status
Step 1.
See those three dots on the top right of the box you just posted in? Click on the three dots and you’ll get a dropdown of options. (You just heard angels sing didn’t you?)
Step 2.
Click on Edit Post.
Step 3.
Your post will come up in an edit box. Change what you want to change, or type something completely new. When you’re finished, click Done Editing.
How easy is that?
How To Edit Your Comment After a Post
You do the exact same thing as you did to edit your status.
- Step 1. Hover over the dots.
- Step 2. Click Edit.
- Step 3. Make changes to your comment, then press the Enter key when you’re finished. Once you’ve opened your comment to edit, if you decide you don’t need to after all, just click Esc or cancel (you’ll see these options in small letters in the edit box.
How To Delete Your Post or Comment
You might have noticed above when you clicked the three magic dots to get the edit button, that it also gives you the option to delete. Follow the same steps to delete a post or comment as you used to edit your post or comment.
As We Wrap Up, Let Me Share a Couple Thoughts
This Facebook stuff doesn’t need to be intimidating. Don’t be afraid to click around to find what you need. You’ll be amazed at how fast you’ll learn the ins and outs of Facebook if you just explore a bit. If you happen to screw somethig up, dont treak. There’s not much you can’t undo.
Now that you know how to edit and delete, I don’t want to see any more Facebook comments full of typos followed by another comment underneath it correcting yourself. No need. Now you can just correct the origiinal, OK? OK!
Until next time, peace out!